I have to admit that I was not looking forward to turning 30, pretty silly really as its only a number and now I don't feel any different than when I was in my 20's! I guess 30 just sounds more grown up and it gave me a little "what am I doing with my life, what have I done with my life so far" crisis!
Luckily I have such a wonderful fella, family and friends I did not time to worry about not achieving the so called things you should be doing at 30 because they made me realise all the things I'd not planned but achieved instead, at the end of the day
“The most valuable things in life are not measured in monetary terms. The really important things are not houses and lands, stocks and bonds, automobiles and real state, but friendships, trust, confidence, empathy, mercy, love and faith.” and they made me realise I certainly have all that so for me life's sweet! I may not have a house or lots of money, but I do have lots of people in my life that spoilt me rotten and made me so grateful for turning 30!!So the last few weeks I have been a whirlwind, I finished my NVQ job and decided to take a month off work before starting work back for Bucks County Council! Its been a great month starting with the trip to New York! (See last post!)
Then I had a surprise party arranged by my wicked special mate Kim, it was a Toffs and Chavs fancy dress party which was so much fun! we had lots of laughs, started by the crazy outfits my friends had gone to so much trouble over and a 3 hours power cut that just added to the fun! it was a brilliant night.

Kim, me and Chelle, I'm so lucky to have these lovely ladies in my life, they keep me going through the tough times. They also got me the most wicked present which I'll tell you about in another post!

My favorite boys! Sean, Lex, Simon and Phil
Karl, Lex and me!
Pretty Ladies, two of my oldest friends, Kim (curly Kim, as I have two Kim's) and Kelly
Next I'll post some photos of my trip to Canterbury, but that will have to wait for another day!