Next stop on our trip was Raleigh NC to visit with our dear friends
ginger and Jay. This was the part of the trip I was most looking forward to and it did not disappoint!
you may spot some copies here, so I'm sorry about that)
We arrived at the Brame household/hotel late on the Thursday night, we immediately were made to feel at home and I got rather over excited to see ginger's studio! After collecting her bears for years before we were friends, to see where the magic happens just blew my mind! So after I calmed down and we unpacked it was time for bed, after all we had a very important day planned for the Friday......
Our very important job was shopping! I had told ginger all the places I wanted to visit and while Jay was at work we went coupon crazy. Now this is something kinda new to us, although we have special offers and vouchers for shopping over here in the UK its really not like the coupon business in the states. So me and Lex took full advantage of this coupon crazy and got some amazing bargains.
Here we are at the local coffee shop after a hard days shopping
On the Saturday we went to the Lazy Days craft event, I've never seen so many quality crafted items
I love these photos of us, we had such a good day
That's a corn-boat!
Next we headed to visit the wonderful Linda and Jim
for a spot more food
We had such fun here too, we laughed a lot!
One evening we visited Kripsy Kreme
Well it was founded in North Carolina, so we had to go right?!
We also had to visit Bowjangles for biscuits, because that's just what is done at the weekend!
On afternoon while Lex and Jay went off looking for laptops, me and ginger stayed at home, swung on the swings, sewed on the porch and chatted the afternoon away
At some point ginger made these, and they were yummy
And then on our last night when we really didn't want to leave, ginger cooked this tasty meal, ziti, corn, veggie gratin and then .......
Apple dumplings for pudding, they were lush
We of course did many other things together, this is just a small snippet of our visit with my favourite teddy bear artist and her lovely husband.
Thanks guys for such a lovely stay, we miss you already and can't wait for our next holiday together!