Finally after what feels like the longest winter, the sun is peeping his head out!
The days are longer and warmer (not that warm but double figures some days)
and we even managed to "tidy" the garden at the weekend. I'm pleased to say that almost
everything survived the winter (so far) and I'm looking forward to filling the garden with more pots of flowers and veggies this summer.
Bilbo is enjoying the garden, he's out chasing flies from dawn till dusk,
it's getting increasingly hard to entice him inside when it's time to go to bed!
So let me take you on a little tour........
These pansy's are from last autumn, they seem to have survived the cold well.
My favourite spring flowers are brightening up the borders.
Raspberry bushes are sprouting,
very exciting as we brought these late last year, I can't wait to see fruit on them .
Ornamental cabbage! I love purple flowers.
This heuchera is called sugar plum,
it's a really pretty shade of pinky-purple
Herbs are growing.
My broomstick is parked ready for flying.
And what's this strange plant?
It's rather furry!
Very naughty....
He just doesn't care,
no matter how many times I tell him to get out of my pots,
he just looks at me as if I'm mad ;0)
We've had to stop using the bird feeder
which is now Bilbo's tree house.
And while all this has been going on in the garden,
I've been sewing away in my sunny studio, working on shop orders,
commissions and planning my next show collection.
I hope wherever you are you have enjoyed some sun.