There's only 2 more sleeps until the big day and I can't wait! Even though I'm dead nervous about: 1. Not getting there as it will be the first time I've driven into London (Usually my very great mate drives us!) and 2. What if I don't sell anything!!!!! I get this overwhelming sense of "I'm not worthy" a few days before the show and it doesn't really leave me until I've sold my first bear, its silly really we've been doing the Hugglets show for a few years now, but its just so important in my eyes and there are such an amazing amount of talented artist there I wonder how I ever got offered a table, but the minute I sell I start to enjoy myself, there really is nothing like a Hugglets show, every year I do better and better and have had lots of enquiries on the preview page but its still nerve racking. In one way I hope these nerves never leave me, it makes me want to produce better bears and I would hate to become complacent about what I do. So for the next few days I'm going to be a little nuts, not really any different than normal some might think ;-)
If your thinking of coming to the show I'd recommend it highly, its going to be wonderful you can find out more details here:
Do come by and say "Hello" if you can, now I must get back to panicking!!!!!!