2008 was a brilliant year for me! I had so many amazing moments that it is hard to sum up what was the best! I guess I'm most proud of the achievements that Shantock Bears has kindly had. I finally feel like my business is a success, I feel I am producing better and better work each time I made a bear or mouse. My success has come thanks to all my lovely customers who have supported me in this difficult financial time, I can't express how lucky I feel every time somebody requests a bear from me and also from my great family and friends who never complain when all I do is work and lend a hand whenever needed. I am a very lucky girl.
Secondly I had some amazing holidays, crazy Loret de Mar with the girls, the beautiful South of France for the Great Bear, magical Durdle Door for my first camping trip, very, very WET Georgetown in North Devon for my second camping trip and the mini run and numerous trips to the new Forest to visit with my Aunt!
South of France
I've also had some amazing days and nights out the Foo's concert in Wembley, a million fantastic dates with Lex, the Rex, dinners out etc! A posh overnight break in London, Whipsnade zoo!

Me & Lex in London

I went to some kicking party's, the KD moving in party, Kimbo's birthday, my birthday tea party and rounders, Hawaiian bouncy castle party, the 80's party,Lex and Em's leaving party x 2!! Oh and the Boxing Day and New Years Eve party's with the KD massive!!!!
80's Night
I am a very lucky lady and count my blessings for such a fantastic support system, my Mum and Dad for always believing in me, my fabulous friends for helping me to see the fun in life and my fella for just being great! If 2009 is half as good as 2008 I'll again be a very happy lady!