I'm sooooooooooooo excited in 3 sleeps I'll be jetting off to New York!!!!!!!!! Woooooo yeah! Its been on my list of things to do before I'm 30 and have just about squeezed it in as I turn 30 in a few weeks. I'll be going with my best mate Kim who turns 30 this weekend, (Happy Birthday Kimmy Kim.xx) We are going to shop till we drop, drink cocktails in cool bars, eat burgers in diners and cause mayhem wherever we go taking lots of photos!

The thing I most looking forward to is visiting Tiffany's! Breakfast at Tiffany's is one of my favourite films and I'll be there one morning with my coffee and danish definitely not with the "reds", I'm going to buy myself a little something in there too, well you only turn 30 once!!!

The thing I most looking forward to is visiting Tiffany's! Breakfast at Tiffany's is one of my favourite films and I'll be there one morning with my coffee and danish definitely not with the "reds", I'm going to buy myself a little something in there too, well you only turn 30 once!!!