For all of you who's really missed Teddy Bear Scene magazine since they stopped publication a while back, you'll be delighted to know that Collect it! magazine has decided to produce a bumper packed Teddy Bear Annual. Its a 100 pages of beautiful bears, teddy's, bears and Teddy's. The wonderful Kathy Martin has stepped back into her "Teditor" role to put this all together and if its successful then there's rumours that they will produce 2 Annuals a year. I do hope so!
Kathy generously invited me to be included in the "Teddy at Christmas" feature with this fun piece called Christmouse Kisses! These two little cuties will be available from my Christmas Show, right here on the blog on the 5th December.

The new Teddy Bear Annual 2010 will be available from November 19th from the following links:
Or branches of WHSmiths.