Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Where did the last month go? Come on own up who is speeding up time?! I cannot believe it's been nearly a month since I've update the blog, what a bad blogger I am.
Let me start my first blog of the year with a look at what I have been up to over the past month....

There was LOTS of wrapping which Bilbo liked to "help" with

 Yummy food
(which Bilbo liked to "help" with also) 

 I had a treasure hunt...

 which lead to talking with good friends who also had a clue...

That lead to this! The most amazing bear in a box by my dear friend ginger. It turns out that Lex and ginger had been conspiring for months to produce this box based on my two favourite films.
You can see the outside of the box over on gingers blog here

There were lots of presents under the tree...

 big ones....

and again Bilbo liked to "help" us with the un-wrapping.

Quality time was spent with family....

eating more yummy food. 

Yes we did have 2 Christmas dinners! 
One at Lex's Parents and one at mine!
(not on the same day though and I say why not? 
January is for dieting after all)

Then there was more opening of presents....

And then building of presents....

That look like this.

 And finally there was lots of relaxing, Bilbo is an expert at this!

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