Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hugglets 30th Annibearsary......

It's the shows 30th 'Annibearsary', can you believe it? 
I've been attending this show as a collector and then as an exhibitor for about 20 years. I remember my first visit queuing round the corner and being shocked by the attendance and struggling to afford all the lovely bears I wanted.
The thrill of the day has never left me, I simply love it.

A day of celebration has been planned by the organisers. Of course all the usual talented artist, shops and suppliers will be there, but also some special exhibitions for you to enjoy, its set to be a great day!
 As always we are in hall 4 (upstairs) and stand 125. If you're attending the show I hope you can stop by and say hello. Below is a sneaky look at the little collection I'll be bringing with me.
Lyn will also have a lovely selection of knitted clothes for your bears, mice, cats etc!

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