Oh what a fantastic show Hugglets was, I had such a lovely time with 17 out of the 18 designs I took finding new homes at the show and the last little fella finding a home with a local customer as soon as I got home! I've had some brilliant feedback from customers on what to make next, caught up with old friends, put names to faces with some "web" friends and chatted myself horse with new ones!
A BIG thank you goes out to everyone who came and brought a bear or mouse or both from me, you are truly wonderful and your support means I can continue doing what I love. Also a BIG thank you goes out to Emma for your gorgeous gift, you are far too generous.
Mum did extremely well with her knitting too so we both need to get going again on shop orders, commissions and getting designs together for our next show which is The Teddy Bear Artist Event in June.
Just before the show opened
As the show was closing