SUNDAY 27th FEB 2011
For more details please visit the Hugglets website by clicking on the above picture
A week today the doors will be open, the collectors will be at their favourite stalls and I shall be happy!
I know I've said it before but I do so LOVE a Hugglets show. Many years before I started making bears I went to my first Hugglets, I'd been to a few local shows but these had not prepared me for a Hugglets Sunday. We got there early (well we thought it was early 10am) to find a queue all the way down the road! I couldn't believe it, when we were let through the doors I remember being shocked at how people knew were they were going, dashing off to their favourite artists, me and Mum just didn't know where to start, these days I still miss that buzz of collecting, although I now have a my dream at exhibiting at Hugglets I miss being there as a collector. I wouldn't change it for the world, I'd just like to clone myself so I could enjoy both aspects of the day!
Oh and yes this year will be even more exciting because my favourite bear artists is coming to town!!!!!!!!!! My friend ginger of The Piece Parade and her lovely husband Jay are arriving in the UK from North Carolina at the weekend and will be a couple of tables away from me in hall 4. I met ginger for the first time at the TBAI last year. Although I felt as if I already knew her because we have "chatted" on email for years as I have a few of gingers beautiful bears. I'm really looking forward to seeing this beautiful lady and her very funny husband. Make sure you pop by her stall on Sunday before I buy all her bears ;-)
Here's s small example of gingers work